pages tagged ‘fursona’

  • rainbow quox… 2! (sat 14 dec 2024)
    enter your name and get your very own q.t.-sona
  • rainbow quox (tue 3 dec 2024)
    q.t. colour scheme generator
  • q.t. refsheet transcriptions (tue 26 nov 2024)
    quick post for the text on q.t.’s refsheet
  • quorientation (thu 14 mar 2024)

    in my latest art, i put some text in lántas. here is approximately too much detail about that.

  • merr chrismas (mon 25 dec 2023)

    how to say “merr chrismas” in my conlang lántas.

    if you don’t care about the details, the answer is “ufit þulkusimari”.