do the hashtag december adventures have to be computer touching because i spent most of today doing art stuff. i know. the nerve.
i gotta add comments to this thing. right now i have no idea if anyone is even reading this
i redesigned my personal website. it was a bit of an ordeal.
cohost is closing so we are all scrambling to get our personal sites working.
in my latest art, i put some text in lántas. here is approximately too much detail about that.
how to say “merr chrismas” in my conlang lántas.
if you don’t care about the details, the answer is “ufit þulkusimari”.
some lesser-known features in the dependently-typed language idris (2).
fibonacci numbers in the languages maude and ATS.
a little program in a little-known, little-documented language called ATS.
some undocumented features i found while looking through the source code of the proof language beluga.
a solver for digitle (numbers countdown) in maude, a language for rewriting systems.